The Benefits of Gelatin

#collagen #gelatin #glycine #grassfed #guthealth #skin #sleep Jan 08, 2025

Gelatin is so much more than that artificially colored box of powder you saw on shelves as a kid.  Gelatin - as in a protein prepared from pastured, organic cows - is a superfood that should be included regularly in your diet, for both kiddos and adults. Here are just a few of the benefits of gelatin.

What makes gelatin so amazing?

Gelatin is very rich in protein and amino acids and is used in the body to produce glutathione, creatine, collagen and bile. It’s incredible for skin, digestion, blood sugar balance and brain and gut health.

Healthy Skin and Joints

The protein and amino acid glycine in gelatin help the body build collagen, which is important for healthy skin. 

Collagen is what keeps skin supple and youthful. The same collagen supports joint health and elasticity. It’s also rich in the amino acid lysine, which helps the body absorb calcium and keep bones healthy.

Sleep and Brain Health

The glycine in gelatin can help to improve sleep quality, boost mood and increase brain function. Glycine is anti-inflammatory, which is beneficial for the nervous system. It also inhibits excitatory neurotransmitters and improves the ability to think clearly. This is one reason why gelatin can be so supportive for kids with behavioral communications, poor sleep or learning difficulties.

It’s Also Amazing for Blood Sugar Balance

Because of gelatin’s protein composition and glycine content, the digestive system absorbs sugars contained in foods more slowly.  Regular use of gelatin has been linked to positive blood sugar regulation. 

Do We Get Enough Gelatin in Our Daily Diets?

Probably not. Our ancestors used to eat nose to tail (the whole animal -  including gelatinous cuts). In modern times we eat more steaks and chicken breasts (muscle meat). So unless you are making and using homemade bone broth on the daily, you might not be getting all your body needs.

One solution? Including pastured, organic beef gelatin in your daily routine. Gelatin can be added to hot drinks or made into kid-friendly gummies.  

Here’s a FEM-Favorite Gummi Recipe

This easy gummi recipe is made with FEMfusion, Dr. Tonya’s tried-and-true, go-to herbal infusion blend. It’s intentionally formulated for hydration and mineralization, it’s made with the most medicinal and nourishing herbs, and it’s loaded with antioxidants. It adds a powerful boost to these gummies. You can also substitute another cup of fruit juice.

I recommend using Perfect Supplements Perfect Bovine Gelatin. Their gelatin is sourced exclusively from pasture -raised (grass-fed) cows and has been third-party tested for heavy metals and pesticides.

Become the Healer Your Family Needs.

This post offers a glimpse into what we teach in Fiercely Empowered Mama (FEM), a year-long, high-touch program designed to equip you with the principles of naturopathy and empower you to confidently become the healer in your home.

This transformative experience is truly life-changing, giving you the tools and confidence to create lasting health for your family. Doors only open once a year for this exclusive program. Learn more and join our waitlist here.

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