How to Find the Root Cause of Your Child's Health Issues

#communications #healthykids #natural #naturalhealing #naturopathy #rootcause #symptoms Oct 10, 2024

When your little one is sick, every fiber in your being urges you to find the reason why and heal them. This is ingrained into you as a mama. Your heart hurts when they hurt. And you’re not satisfied with solutions that cover up the symptoms without understanding the root cause. You’re looking for true healing on a deeper level. You want to see your child absolutely bursting with vitality and life, not just getting by with medications. I get you; you’re seeking natural solutions.

So…you’ve probably turned to the Internet. The Internet is amazing because there is so much information available right now in our lives. But, there’s also so much censorship. Many mamas find themselves googling symptoms or a diagnosis given by a doctor hoping they will find the answer they are looking for but often left even more confused. Natural and holistic solutions will not easily turn up in the search, but conventional, symptom- suppressive therapies likely will.

Ever googled “Eczema natural cures?” How about “Natural way to treat constipation?”

Chances are the results are not exactly what your mama heart is looking for. “Use coconut oil to soothe dryness” is a common suggestion for eczema sufferers. But does this tell us why there is eczema happening in the first place? “Eat more fiber” is a common solution to constipation in kiddos. But is constipation really a lack of fiber issue? Or is there something deeper going on?

What is the root cause of my child’s health issues?

The key to solving a problem is to first TRULY understand it. It’s easy for our focus to shift too quickly from the problem to the solution, and we try to solve a problem before comprehending its root cause. What we think is the cause is sometimes just another symptom.

The body is constantly communicating.

Symptoms are really love letters from the body, telling us what it needs. Modern medicine loves to treat a health condition by suppressing the symptoms - really it’s like throwing these love letters in the garbage without reading them. Giving Miralax to “cure” constipation or steroids to “treat” eczema. Neither of these examples is actually understanding the communication or getting to the root cause.

Anyone selling anything loves to allow us to believe that there is a quick and easy solution to every health issue. This cream will cure eczema. This pill will get rid of constipation. But the truth is, the body is the best healer and it can do a great job of clearing up any and all health issues if we tune in, listen, and give the body what it is asking for.

The body can heal

As a Naturopathic Doctor, I have witnessed first-hand through consulting with hundreds of families the power of the body to heal. I have seen tooth decay reversed and healed. I have seen chronic eczema clear up forever. I have seen kids with chronic constipation start going to the bathroom easily and effortlessly. I have seen kids who are so quick to anger become more grounded and regulated.

The secret?

Finding the root cause. Uncovering the main reason why the body has developed communications and how it is asking for support.

Cavities aren’t healed by using natural toothpaste.

Eczema is not healed by using an organic herbal cream.

Poor sleep is not healed by giving melatonin.

Chronic constipation is not healed by giving laxatives.

Congestion is not healed by giving antihistamines.

ADHD is not healed by giving stimulants.

The root cause is key to healing all of these. And I’ll give you a big hint: many of these health issues share the same root causes.

My invitation to you...

Mama, I invite you to join me inside Mamahood: The Ultimate Natural Mama Crash Course. For 5 weeks, I’ll be presenting FREE classes online to a group of women just like you. You will understand what your child’s body is communicating right now. You will experience one ah-ha moment after another. You will feel heard and you will feel seen.

No more sleepless nights googling symptoms and natural cures. You will walk away with knowledge, confidence, empowerment and an expanded natural tool kit.

Save your spot here: Join Mamahood now.

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